Several Factors will affect laser hair removal result

  • Skin Type
  • Hair Color
  • Hair Cycle
  • External Factors
  • Laser Parameters

1.Skin Type

Skin type is the most important factors to affect your laser hair removal results. Different skin tones will have different results.

Light skin : the best candidates for laser hair removal.
There are varying degrees of light skin. However, no matter what type of light skin you have, you are the best candidate for any form of laser hair removal. You will receive the best results almost immediately of any other skin type and will also require fewer treatments. Fewer treatments are necessary.

Medium skin : The color of your hair is the determining factor if you have medium skin.
However, even the best medium skinned candidates will still run a risk of their results being less favorable and needing more treatments than a light skinned candidate.

Dark skin : It is bad results for dark skin perhaps.
Dark skinned will be the most likely have a bad outcome, They must need far more treatments than light skin and medium skin. They also require well-trained and widely experienced practitioners to achieve maximum results.  

2.Hair Type

 Dark hair 
Dark hair, such as black or dark brown is generally the best color of hair to laser hair removal. They contains the most pigmentation which allows the laser light to be absorbed to a greater extent. Also, dark hair is more coarse which will produce a better result.

Medium hair 

It will require more treatment but it is also a very good candidate for laser hair removal treatment.
Medium hair is most often light or medium brown hair. It is more easier to treatment than lighter hair colors, but it may require more procedures than dark brown or black hair. Coarse medium hair will produce better and quicker results than those with fine medium hair.

Light hair 

It is the hardest to work and require more time, money, and procedures.
There are many varying degrees of light hair, light hair contain phemelianin pigment which makes them less able to absorb the laser light. So light hair is the most difficult to treat and will require more time, money, and procedures than other hair color types.

White or Grey hair

It may be almost no effectiveness for laser hair removal.
White or grey hair contains no pigmentation and they can not absorb the laser light enough to heat the hair follicle. So it may be almost impossible to treat those with grey or white hair.

3.Hair Circle

Impacts laser hair removal procedure is hair growth, but it is not all hair are on the same growth cycle even if the hair is in the same area of the body. Therefore you will almost always need more than one procedure to completely treatment one area.

4.External Factors

External factors can also affect the outcome of your laser hair removal procedure.

Tanning or sun exposure
All laser hair removal candidates should be at their lightest skin tone at the time of treatment. Having even the slightest tan can make it harder for the laser light to pass through your skin in order to heat the hair follicle.
Being a light skinned person with a light tan makes the treatment more difficult than being a darker skinned person who has no tan or sun exposure at all. Your practitioner may even give you a topical bleaching cream to apply in the days or weeks before your appointment and regular sunscreen use is recommended.

The heat from the laser light can cause a herpes infection to become active if it is in the location of the area to be treated.

History of scarring
A history of abnormal scarring can lead to scarring directly from your procedure.
Scarring is usually not of high concern to those that do not have this kind of history, but if you do then you should discuss it with your practitioner before the procedure begins.

 5.Laser Parameters
Laser parameters will affect hair removal results too.

Alexandrite 755 nm, it is most effective, but only safe on light skin.
Pulsed diode array 810 nm, it is for light to medium type skin.
Nd YAG 1064 nm, it is for darker skin.

Longer pulsewidths may be safer for darker skin and shorter wavelengths are more effective in removing hair.

Width of the laser beam
Larger spot sizes help make treatments faster and more effective.

Fluence or energy level
If procedure get high enough settings will cause you permanent damage to the hair follicles.

And the Conclusion
  • Light skin, dark hair, and with no external factors of laser hair removal candidates will benefit the most from this procedure. They need the least amount of treatments and they will also have quicker treatments.
  • They are followed by medium skinned people with dark hair and dark skinned people with dark hair.
  • Light skinned people with light blond or red hair will be difficult to treat and may only achieve a reduction in hair density.
  • The worst candidates for laser hair removal will be darker skinned people with white or grey hair. These individuals may even be impossible to treat.

Hair Laser Removal in Washington DC

Laser hair removal services are provided by various specialists in professional centers in the Washington DC area. DC hair laser removal Washington is a safe and effective treatment to remove unwanted hair from your upper lip, chin, legs, underarms, bikini area, chest, neck,... in fact from most anywhere.

The laser beam that is used in the laser hair removal device is directed at the hair follicles. The dark pigments in the follicle absorb the laser light energy. As the follicle absorbs more and more energy the follicle dies and can no longer grow hair. This is the mechanism on which dc hair laser removal washington works. Whatever be your skin complexion you can expect to have a good result thanks to advanced technology and professional expertise. Although it may hurt a bit both men and women are trying it out and that too successfully.

Find out your skin type and choose the laser center that is most suited for you. Try to get suggestions from those who have been through dc hair laser removal washington. Then you can surely leave all your worries behind. Laser hair removal can also treat your problem of ingrown hair. Often men have to deal with ingrown hair in their beard area and neck. Women face problem with it mainly in the bikini area. Since laser hair removal targets hair at the follicle it's the most remarkable ingrown hair treatment. It actually removes the root of the problem. After several sessions, you yourself will notice your hair shedding and the dark spots and bumps from folliculitis disappearing.

The cost of dc hair laser removal washington varies from one specialist to another. Each case is unique and the cost of treatment is dependent on this individuality factor also.

So if you have unwanted facial and body hair I can tell you for sure that dc hair laser removal washington is the perfect treatment for you. You can check out Sona MedSpa, a laser hair removal office in the Washington DC area. Whether you are a male or a female through expert and professional care you will get yourself a new look at quite reasonable prices.
or :

Cost of Hair Laser Removal

Examples of hair laser removal prices in the US can vary from location to location, and can depend a great deal on how much local competition exists. As an example, for facial treatment, for treatment of the entire face you might expect to pay anywhere between $250 and $600 per session (and you will probably need 6 of these sessions) - depending among other things on how much growth is present. For an upper lip treatment, you might anticipate paying around $25 - $100 for a single therapy session.

Pricing Methods
Some of the varied costing processes or pricing structures you may see when you shop around for hair laser removal prices might include:
  • Treatment Duration
  • "Unlimited" Treatment Pricing
  • Package Deals
  • Pulse Count Billing

Things That Can Affect YOUR Laser Removal Price
You might think that the price for laser hair removal should be exactly the same for any potential client but in fact the time and effort for the clinic depends on your own specific type of skin, pattern of the growth of hairs and the color of hairs you wish to have removed.

So the price depends among other things on:
  • Your geographic location
  • Your skin type - if you have dark hairs on pale skin this is the easiest to treat, so you may find that you have more options when you shop around for the best laser hair removal price
  • Which body part you wish to have treated - smaller parts are cheaper and larger parts will require you to pay a higher hair laser removal price
  • How dense the hairs are on the body part you want treated - if it is very hairy, you are likely to pay more
Different laser hair removal clinics often have various billing criteria to determine their laser hair removal prices. Moreover a single laser hair removal clinic may be following multiple pricing patterns for different clients. If you closely analyze the situation you'll find that there isn't much difference between these pricing methods in the end. For a particular patient's situation, skin type and so on, the hair laser removal price usually averages out to a similar price in a particular geographic location.
By : Ingrid Preube

Hair Laser Removal History

History of  Hair Laser Removal

Hair laser removal, also known as epilation was first performed two decades ago. However, this now popular procedure did not become available to the public until the mid-1990s. Other names for hair removal are called Photoepilation or Phototricholysis. In fact, hair can be removed through a number of methods such as the light-based epilator. However, this particular method, which uses IPL or Intense Pulsed Light, is not actually a laser procedure. In fact, some patients wanting to reduce or eliminate hair prefer this method but not all do.

For hair laser removal, a process known as selective photothermolysis is used. What happens is that the targeted area is affected while surround skin and tissue is left unharmed. The benefit of laser hair removal is that the process is quick and intense but without being painful. Although a person may feel a little discomfort depending on the exact method used, it is tolerable with exceptional results.

By using hair laser removal procedures three specific things are targeted. First is carbon, which is actually created by a carbon-based lotion being rubbed onto the skin. At that time, the carbon gets into the hair follicle. Once the laser is focused on that particular area, a shockwave is produced, damaging cells. However, you would rarely find this method used in that permanent loss is not generally achieved. Even so, some doctors may still offer carbon procedures.

The next option is melanin. With melanin occurring in the skin naturally, photons are absorbed, which removes the hair. Keep in mind that melanin for hair color is broken down into two categories. First is pheomelanin for red or blonde hair and eumelanin for black or brown hair. Unfortunately, while this procedure is very successful for people with dark hair, it does not work for those falling in the pheomelanin category, which would be red or blonde-haired people.

Finally, another natural occurrence in the body’s blood is called hemoglobin, which is what makes blood the color red. For this, the Nd:YAG laser wavelength is absorbed minimally, which is why hemoglobin is not usually a good target for laser hair removal. To determine the appropriate direction to take, you would need to work closely with a licensed, skilled, and reputable doctor. After a consultation, he or she would be able to provide you with technique options that would work most effectively for you.

The one thing you need to know about hair laser removal is that while people think of this as a permanent hair removal process, it is not actually permanent. The reason is that regardless of the laser being used, it can only penetrate the skin to a certain depth. Therefore, there is no such thing as permanent hair laser removal without causing some level of scarring. In fact actual hair removal is generally between 5% and 10%. However, the amount of hair and growth rate of hair can be dramatically reduced. In fact, the law requires any hair laser removal clinic to use the word “reduction” instead of permanent. Even so, for people with excessive hair or those wanting a break from shaving, this technique is a safe and viable option if performed by a professional.
By : Dion Samaniuk

Hair Laser Removal in Virginia is Done

There are many doctors in Virginia who do hair laser removal in Virginia. Some of the spots where you can get this services in Virginia are at Fairfax reveal MedSpa, Pentagon Row at Arlington, The American Laser Center at Centerville Virginia and they have other branches in Newport News, Richmond, Springfield, Sterling, Tysons Corner, Virginia Beach and the list goes on. People flock in their hundreds all the time in Virginia to get a feel of the beach and due to this reason, they want to look their best. The American Laser centers have very many locations there making them very popular. Hair laser removal in Virginia, is therefore very necessary and the process is done by bringing electrical pulses to the hair follicles where they are destroyed never to grow again when successful.

There are follow up treatments that make sure the process has a satisfactory result. For newcomers to hair laser removal in Virginia, they may feel tingly and sometimes feel a pinching sensation which gradually disappears to pave way to a painless process. Laser treatment is safe and you do not have to worry about side effects. However, some of laser treatments leave a redness on the skin which is actually not serious. The American Laser Centers in Virginia will ask you to come for 6 treatments so that each hair follicle can be effectively removed. The technicians are also very well trained to treat different skin colors and different kinds of hair.

The first thing to do if you want an effective hair laser removal in Virginia is to know who the specialists are well. Some of the above mentioned centers have been known to provide excellent services which can be trusted. You will find cheaper places for this service but, the quality might be wanting. Therefore by carrying out a valid search, you will know which centers offer the best services and find out whether you can afford it. You can also compare prices with he many centers and, if you are comfortable with their service, then go for the cheap deal. The other vital factor to consider is whether you have a center near you. With the right search, you will discover that in Virginia there are very many spots and you will not miss one near you.

The American Laser center is constantly investing in new technology to ensure that the clients are safe and comfortable. They also evaluate their treatment constantly and invest a lot in training of staff. For you to feel safe, you need to know that the doctors you deal with are going the extra mile. The management is stable and they provide that professional service that anyone would be pleased to have. For hair laser removal in Virginia, you need to know that there is the right customer service and good relations between the staff and you the client. They need to handle you with care so that you can have confidence while engaging in the laser hair removal process. When you take all these points into consideration, you will be sure to have a wonderful time during your laser treatment in Virginia.
by : Peter Gitundu
See The other Tips in another place :

Looking for Hair laser Removal place?

Chicago Hair Laser Removal

If you hate shaving, are tired of putting up with painful waxing, tweezing, and depilatory creams, then I can tell you for sure that laser hair removal is the right choice for you. Recent breakthroughs in laser technology can get rid of unwanted hair, quickly, easily and with proven long-term results.

Chicago hair laser removal will work on almost any part of the body, from your legs, arms, upper lips, neck, chin, face, and even your back or shoulders. In fact it works just about anywhere! Whether you are a male or female, just try out the most practical, the least painful, and the most effective method, that is now available to remove unwanted hair...Laser Hair Removal.

Chicago hair laser removal beats all other methods hands down. One of the major benefits with lasers is the ability to treat a large area of skin at once and it only takes a fraction of the time as compared to other conventional methods. The laser technology is designed to treat only the hair follicle and leaves the adjoining areas unaffected. Also, since the laser uses pulses of light to remove hair, there's no irritation to the skin.

People with greater contrast respond best to the Chicago hair laser removal because the laser's light energy is absorbed by the pigment melanin in the skin. Therefore individuals with dark hair and light colored skin get maximum results. However new laser technology has made it possible for people with even dark complexions to get significant results. The cost of the treatment varies depending on the area treated. Needless to say, the larger the area, the greater the cost.

The Chicago hair laser removal treatment is an economically, relatively pain free and time saving method. The American Laser Center in Chicago offers one of the best laser hair removal treatment in the area. There are other offices for laser hair removal in Chicago. Just check out on the expertise of the professional who will treat you. For this you can talk to those who have undergone the treatment under him. Then you can be absolutely sure of the entire process.
by :Harry Rockwell
See on Another Place :

Hair Laser Removal Good Quality good Price Satisfied

Hair laser removal is a process by which the amount of hair and the growth rate of hair are significantly reduced. Although most people think of this process as being permanent, it is actually not but the results are still dramatic and well worth the investment. Both men and women use hair laser removal. If done by a qualified professional, people are very satisfied with the results. The one question that comes up repeatedly has to do with hair laser and the price for removal.

The truth is that this procedure will vary depending on where it is done, the type of laser used, and the amount of skin/hair being treated. Even so, you can expect to pay good money.
Other factors associated with hair laser and price for removal would relate to the doctor performing the treatment, the type of package purchased, and the total number of treatments needed. For this reason, you cannot go by the cost that a friend or family member might have paid in that it could be different for your situation. The best option is to locate two or three professionals and schedule consultations with each before making your final decision.

The amount of hair and even type of hair will definitely determine the number of treatments to be performed. Typically, three treatments are recommended, providing the patient with several months of hair-free living. However, keep in mind this is just an average so again, the suggestion provided to you could be fewer or more. The best way to save money is to find a qualified doctor that offers a package deal. In this case, the more treatments in the package, the lower the price would go for each additional treatment.

To give you an idea of the current hair laser price for removal, let us say you live in the Midwest. The average cost for this region is around $450. Now, if you live in the East, the price actually goes down to an average of $425. For the West, the price is almost the same as the East with just a slight reduction in price. However, the lowest region for hair laser price for removal is in the South where you would expect to pay around $400 per treatment.

As mentioned, the amount of hair and type of hair needing to be removed also comes into play. For this, a man with excessive back hair would expect a single treatment to run between $700 and $900. However, for a female wanting a bikini line treatment, that price drops dramatically to between $400 and $500. Other prices would be $600 to $800 per treatment for upper and lower legs, $300 and $600 for chest and arms, around $600 to $900 for the face and neck, and then the cheapest hair laser price for removal would be under the arms with an average price of $200 to $350.

The one thing to remember is that throughout the United States, hair laser removal is deemed a cosmetic procedure, not a medical necessity. Because of this, it is highly unlikely that insurance would cover the cost. On a final note, if you have a unique situation caused by illness or injury, it might be possible for the hair laser price for removal to be covered. In this case, you would need to address your insurance company about possible assistance.
By : Dion Semeniuk
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Hair Laser Removal Home

Home Hair Laser Removal
Like most women I have to wax my underarms and bikini line every week, and on top of it I have to shave my legs to avoid ingrown hair bumps that I get from waxing. Every time that day comes I sigh and wish there was some other way to do this.

About two months ago I heard about Tria home hair laser removal system. The company promises to give you the same results as a professional and at the same time it is a lot cheaper.

Being very skeptical from the beginning I started an extensive research on the home hair laser removal systems. I visited many hair laser removal forums, read multiple product reviews, and read multiple articles written on the subject. After I spent months of finding out the facts about the home hair laser removal systems I was finally done. And here is what I found out.

Who can use home hair laser removal?

The only people that are qualified to use the home hair laser removal are the ones with fair skin and dark hair. It does not work on white, red, light brown, or blond hair. It is important to know that people with a tan can not use it as well as the laser will have a problem picking up the dark hair.

People with dark skin tones and light hair can still have a laser treatment but they will have to go to a professional.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

After hours of research I found out that if used properly very few side affects can occur, and if they do they are very rare. But it is advisable to do a sample on a small part of the skin and watch it for a few days to make sure nothing happens, as some side affects, though rare, could be permanent.

Some side affects are:
- Hyper pigmentation (darkening of the skin) - very rare, but can be long lasting or permanent.
- Hypo pigmentation (lightening of the skin) - again very rare, but could be permanent.
- Blistering, scarring - very rare.
- Change is the skin texture - very rare.
- Crusting or scabbing - if it does happen, it is only temporary.

Is It Very Expensive?
Home hair laser treatments do cost a lot, in my opinion, everyone is different. It is still a much cheaper alternative to having a professional treatment.

The prices always vary on home hair laser removal systems. Already Tria and Silk'n came down from $800.00 to $600.00. But the prices are not guaranteed as there are always ups and downs in retail industry. You will find that some companies offer payment plans. One thing to remember if thinking about purchasing the unit is that after a while you will need to get replacement bulbs, which are pretty pricey, some run as high as $75 each!

All in all, the home hair laser removal systems are still a much less expensive alternative. It is estimated that on average a consumer will spend around $10,000 to have hair professionally removed after all of the follow up treatments!

Is It Easy To Use?

Again that depends on which home hair laser removal system you use. Judging from the reviews and all of the complaints, Tria and Silk'n are the easiest units to use, and Epila coming in the last.

Are the results as great as promised?

Sorry folks, the jury is still out on that one.

Silk'n gives great immediate results, but they are not permanent or long lasting. Still many people love how fast it works, and prefer using it instead of waxing. It is also a lot less painful than waxing.

Tria company claims that their unit offers very long lasting results, even permanent for some. The problem is that Tria just came out, and there haven't been long enough time for consumers to see the long term results. There are people that bought it and loved it and swear that it works great. But they have only been using it for a few months. It is however the only FDA approved unit which promises long lasting results. And they have a 90 day guarantee.

The other units are not even worth mentioning here. I did not find one positive feedback, and none of them are FDA approved.

The question still remains. Will I buy a home hair laser removal system? Probably. Even though there haven't been enough time to see whether or not it gives long term results, I am willing to try it on my underarms, bikini line, and legs. The company claims the results are long term, it is FDA approved, and has a guarantee. This time I choose to believe them!

The LightSheer Diode Laser for your Laser Removal

The LightSheer Diode Laser was the first to be cleared by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. Permanent hair reducation is defined by the FDA as 85% or greater hair reduction. Please understand there is no laser in the entire world that has received FDA clearance for permanent hair removal, just permanent hair reduction.

lightsheer diode laser Over the last decade we've concluded that about 90% of the advertisements, marketing, and sales pitches you hear and see on the radio, TV, internet, other hair removal centers, spas, salons and even tattoo parlors are misleading, misinformed, false or altogether fradulent about laser hair removal methods.

The LightSheer Diode laser was developed from several years of research at the Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine, one of the world’s leading medical laser research centers.
The LightSheer Diode laser is specifically designed for hair removal only. What this means is unlike most other lasers you may have already tried or been looking at, that are being used like a Swiss Army knife for several different things like tattoo removal, wrinkles, moles, birthmarks, skin damage, etc.

The Lightsheer Diode Laser was designed exclusively for laser hair removal purposes and nothing else.

We have chosen the LightSheer Diode Laser because of the extensive years of clinical research, which demonstrates its effectiveness for permanent hair reduction. All other laser hair removal lasers on the market that we've extensively researched over the last decade cannot make this claim.
lightsheer diode laser chill tip
The LightSheer laser is pulsed, or “turned on”, for only a fraction of a second and the duration of each pulse is just long enough to disable your hair follicles.

Another unique and patented component of the LightSheer Diode Laser is the revolutionary actively cooled sapphire tip that was designed to protect the skin by actively cooling it before, during and after the laser light is transmitted.

The Light Sheer Diode laser tip also draws off heat from the skin's surface, which further protects the skin from possible problems.

Hair Laser Removal Get Rid of Unsightly Hair

Hair Laser Removal
Whether it's long, curly, straight, stubbly short, or curly, your body hair is important. However, some people don't want it on their bodies. Austin hair laser removal centers provide the option to remove it. Austin has become the leader for all Texas laser hair removal centers. When looking for a quality option to remove your unsightly body hair, select among the many fabulous Austin hair laser removal centers.

Our bodies start to sprout hair sometime in puberty on our bodies, although we have most likely had it on our heads for quite some time. Many boys think that shaving sounds exciting at first, although they later find it to be a nuisance. For those that desire to get rid of this stubble permanently, Austin hair laser removal centers offer great options. Some Austin medical spas provide this services as well as individual Austin hair laser removal centers.
Most women don't mind the hair on their arms, but they definitely mind the hair on their upper lip or their faces of all places. Some women bleach, trim or completely remove their hair altogether. When considering permanent hair removal options, contact your Austin hair laser removal centers to discuss the available options.

Austin has among the best Texas laser hair removal centers available.
Choosing the right Austin medical spa or Austin hair laser removal center can be challenging, as there is an extensive list of choices. Search among the many Austin hair laser removal centers to choose the best one for your personal needs. Knowing the facts won't make the decision so hairy! Other options available include:

You can leave the hair as it is and just sit back.
• You can bleach the hair or dissolve it. After a while, this may become too time consuming or it may irritate the skin.
• You can continue to shave since this is an inexpensive option.
• You can pluck the hair or wax it which leaves the skin more smooth, but can be painful.
• Consider electrolysis as any one of the Austin electrolysis hair removal centers. Kill the unwanted hair by shocking the crap out of it!
• Get rid of the hair using laser hair removal techniques at any one of the Austin hair laser removal centers or Austin medical spas.

All of these options should be considered before you make your final selection.
When choosing an Austin hair laser removal center, be sure to evaluate the staff, procedures offered, customer satisfaction and the training of the people that will be performing your procedure. In this procedure, a laser light is used to target and destroy the dark pigments of skin within the hair follicles. This procedure only works on dark hairs, so if your hair is light, consider an Austin electrolysis hair removal center instead.

Whether you choose an Austin hair laser removal center or an Austin electrolysis hair removal center, you can choose to remove hair from virtually any part of your entire body. Have fun with it, take away all of the annoyance of unwanted hair and choose a facility that provides the type and quality of services that you seek.