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Home Hair Laser Removal
Like most women I have to wax my underarms and bikini line every week, and on top of it I have to shave my legs to avoid ingrown hair bumps that I get from waxing. Every time that day comes I sigh and wish there was some other way to do this.

About two months ago I heard about Tria home hair laser removal system. The company promises to give you the same results as a professional and at the same time it is a lot cheaper.

Being very skeptical from the beginning I started an extensive research on the home hair laser removal systems. I visited many hair laser removal forums, read multiple product reviews, and read multiple articles written on the subject. After I spent months of finding out the facts about the home hair laser removal systems I was finally done. And here is what I found out.

Who can use home hair laser removal?

The only people that are qualified to use the home hair laser removal are the ones with fair skin and dark hair. It does not work on white, red, light brown, or blond hair. It is important to know that people with a tan can not use it as well as the laser will have a problem picking up the dark hair.

People with dark skin tones and light hair can still have a laser treatment but they will have to go to a professional.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

After hours of research I found out that if used properly very few side affects can occur, and if they do they are very rare. But it is advisable to do a sample on a small part of the skin and watch it for a few days to make sure nothing happens, as some side affects, though rare, could be permanent.

Some side affects are:
- Hyper pigmentation (darkening of the skin) - very rare, but can be long lasting or permanent.
- Hypo pigmentation (lightening of the skin) - again very rare, but could be permanent.
- Blistering, scarring - very rare.
- Change is the skin texture - very rare.
- Crusting or scabbing - if it does happen, it is only temporary.

Is It Very Expensive?
Home hair laser treatments do cost a lot, in my opinion, everyone is different. It is still a much cheaper alternative to having a professional treatment.

The prices always vary on home hair laser removal systems. Already Tria and Silk'n came down from $800.00 to $600.00. But the prices are not guaranteed as there are always ups and downs in retail industry. You will find that some companies offer payment plans. One thing to remember if thinking about purchasing the unit is that after a while you will need to get replacement bulbs, which are pretty pricey, some run as high as $75 each!

All in all, the home hair laser removal systems are still a much less expensive alternative. It is estimated that on average a consumer will spend around $10,000 to have hair professionally removed after all of the follow up treatments!

Is It Easy To Use?

Again that depends on which home hair laser removal system you use. Judging from the reviews and all of the complaints, Tria and Silk'n are the easiest units to use, and Epila coming in the last.

Are the results as great as promised?

Sorry folks, the jury is still out on that one.

Silk'n gives great immediate results, but they are not permanent or long lasting. Still many people love how fast it works, and prefer using it instead of waxing. It is also a lot less painful than waxing.

Tria company claims that their unit offers very long lasting results, even permanent for some. The problem is that Tria just came out, and there haven't been long enough time for consumers to see the long term results. There are people that bought it and loved it and swear that it works great. But they have only been using it for a few months. It is however the only FDA approved unit which promises long lasting results. And they have a 90 day guarantee.

The other units are not even worth mentioning here. I did not find one positive feedback, and none of them are FDA approved.

The question still remains. Will I buy a home hair laser removal system? Probably. Even though there haven't been enough time to see whether or not it gives long term results, I am willing to try it on my underarms, bikini line, and legs. The company claims the results are long term, it is FDA approved, and has a guarantee. This time I choose to believe them!

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