Laser Hair Treatment

Now there is laser removal treatment for these ingrown hairs, and yes this includes the pubic areas. While men tend to mainly suffer from ingrown hairs in the area of the beard, women have the most problem in the bikini area. Laser hair removal targets the root of the problem. Once you have completed a few sessions to have the removal procedure you will start to see a noticeable reduction in the amount of ingrown hairs. This do to the fact that the laser treatment is killing the problem at the source, the root of the hair including the follicle itself.

Actually, the funny thing is that as the technology of razors improve they are contributing to the problem of ingrown hairs. We have all seen the advertisements for the next great razor on the market. They all advertise the closest shave. Well in order to achieve this the razor companies design razors to grab and lift the hair shaft out of the follicle, then it is cut by another blade. This allows the cut shaft to then settle back in slightly under the surface of the skin. This hair shaft then has the chance to grow into the side of the follicle opening instead of straight out. This is when we form an ingrown hair.

A pulsed light laser can prevent this from happening. It kills the follicle so that it no longer produces a hair at all. If there is no hair, then obviously there can be no ingrown hair.
by Tim Grimslay :

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